Keeping whats worth clicking

Posted by MarunePrince | 12:05 PM | | 1 comments »

I was deloaded from the school I'm going in and I had to wait for six months to retake a subject. So far these six months of vacation has allowed me to devote time bogging, ptcs and more on net surfing. Coming back to school will cut much of my time with surfing so I will be cleaning out problematic ptc sites out of my list and focus only those that's worth it. (specially the instant and paying ones). So only days away from enrollment that would be enough time for me to do this.


  1. poohgal // October 6, 2008 at 9:50 AM  

    Hi there. I've been waiting for payout from Osobux for around a week. I've got a friend who just received payment so I'm positive I should be paid.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog.
