Buxout now Closed!!

Posted by MarunePrince | 1:58 AM | , , , | 0 comments »

I arrive home today and immediately went into my pc to click and surf. I am greatly disappointed to see this.
Buxout Closed

We apologize for closing, but we paid out all our capital and revenue has drastically slowed down over the past month. We are afraid we do not have the resources to continue running the site.
Any questions or concerns can be directed to support@buxout.com
Thank you for being a member of Buxout.com

Buxout is one of my favorite ptc site. Especially the part where they pay instant.
I never expected they would close down now that I am very close into reaching my very first payout from them after three months of solo clicks. It's a big disappointment. We'll time to move on...