Altergold a BIG Scam?

Posted by MarunePrince | 7:49 AM | | 0 comments »

So I posted a warning about investments with regards to the nearing holiday. I had in my mind that time about autosurfs and hyips. But the latest buzz right now is with an ecurrency, ALTERGOLD! Who could have thought that they would close down forever and run away. I for one had a good impression with altergold. It looked a promising ecurrency. But now the administrators ran away with people's money. One went to Ghana and the other one went to Pakistan. It is said in a forum that they ran in those places because they would be safe from angry mobs. It's the second ecurrency to close this year. And that happening leaves suspicion and little trust or insecurity to the rest of the ecurrencies available today.

Another note, scammers let things cool down and come back again under a new name. (Let's see if a new payment processor opens up)

Useful Links tyo read: info.hyip-expert/altergold-is-gone/