Megalido Problem!!!

Posted by MarunePrince | 4:33 AM | | 1 comments »

All members of Megalido received the newsletter saying that the plan of 12% daily for 12 days will be now 4% daily for 36 days and still will receive 144% of earnings. And when my upgrade expired today, I immediately cash out and see this!!
So I can only withdraw $1.oo from my $17.28 account balance. I did not proceed with cashing out that one dollar. I am afraid that after I receive it everything will be gone and it would say I am paid. I am disappointed right now. I'll check on Alertpay with my chances of making a dispute for my money.

A comment about the implementation of the new plan after every expired upgrade. It seems that Michael is aware that if he waited after every cash out for the new plan to be implemented it would drive the investors away immediately after getting back their money. Nice move for yourself Mike! Keeping your word about not running away with our money is going to be tested. And we'll see if every dispute pusehes through


  1. RICARDO P. RONDINA // November 17, 2008 at 9:41 AM  

    Try to contact chat support around 8-10am our time....

    4/36 scheme started last nov. 14, 2008. In tnis new plan if you have a pending investment, you still have to surf for 12 days and you will only get the 44% interest. The capital will revolved to the new plan.

    I dont like the new scheme either and my request still pending.