Own Click: $0.001
$0.50 Sign up bonus
Payout: $1.00
Payment Processor: Alertpay
I just received my payment from Moneyclicks.info. I reached $1.00 within a week ($0.50 sign up bonus + my own clicks)!
The Admin said that they would be paying every Sunday. But I requested my cash out again yesterday and they Paid me today! (Paid within 24 hours)
Currently they have 107 ads to click. So that would be $0.001 x 107= $0.107 x 10 days = $1.07!! You will reach pay out within 10 days if the ads don't decline in number.
Also, you might think this is a tiring site. No! You can click multiple ads at the same time. I usually click 5 ads at the same time reducing the clicking time and stress.
I would rcommend you join this site!
Click here to Joine Now!!
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