Moneyclicks Payment Proof!

Posted by MarunePrince | 1:29 AM | | 0 comments »

Own Click: $0.001
$0.50 Sign up bonus
Payout: $1.00
Payment Processor: Alertpay

I just received my payment from I reached $1.00 within a week ($0.50 sign up bonus + my own clicks)!
The Admin said that they would be paying every Sunday. But I requested my cash out again yesterday and they Paid me today! (Paid within 24 hours)

Currently they have 107 ads to click. So that would be $0.001 x 107= $0.107 x 10 days = $1.07!! You will reach pay out within 10 days if the ads don't decline in number.

Also, you might think this is a tiring site. No! You can click multiple ads at the same time. I usually click 5 ads at the same time reducing the clicking time and stress.

I would rcommend you join this site!

Click here to Joine Now!!

Paid Surf

Posted by MarunePrince | 6:12 PM | | 2 comments »

Surf type: Autosurf
Minimal Spend: $6.00
Payment Processors: LR, STP, SP, PM, AP
Terms: 12% for 12 days, payouts on expiry.
Registration Records:
Creation Date: 04-Nov-2008
Expiration Date: 04-Nov-2010
Investment History:
$6 │ Expiration: 2008-12-02

Fast Profit Surf
Surf type: Autosurf
Minimal Spend: $10.00
Payment Processors: LR, PM, SP, AP, STP
Terms: 140%-145% after 10 days, payouts on expiry.
Registration Records:
Creation Date: 27-Sep-2008
Expiration Date: 27-Sep-2009

Surf type: Autosurf
Minimal Spend: $6.00
Payment Processors: LR, AP, STP, SP
Terms: 12% for 12 days, payouts on expiry.
Registration Records:
Creation Date: 16-Oct-2008
Expiration Date: 16-Oct-2009

Daily Profit Pond
Surf type: Autosurf
Minimal Spend: $12.00
Payment Processors: LR, AP, STP, SP, PM
Terms: 12% for 12 days, payouts on expiry.
Creation date: 28 Oct 2008 04:31:36
Expiration date: 28 Oct 2009 04:31:36

*6 surfing sites not listed.

This week's PTC payment proofs

Posted by MarunePrince | 5:32 AM | | 0 comments »

First from ASIANBUX

Asianbux is a Paid to click site that only supports Liberty Reserve. Own click is $0.01 and the payout is at $1.50. Just log in everyday and click the ads. A new policy by the admin is that for every payment to be processed you need to make 5 post in the forum.

Click Here to Join

Second, Form Perfectbux

Perfectbux a paid to click site which supports two payment processors. Alertpay and Paypal. The minimum pay out for Alertpay is $2.00 and $10.00 for Paypal. Own click is $0.0075 and the number of ads does not go below 5 ads per day since I joined.
It says in their TOS that standard members are paid within 7 days. But I got paid in less than 12 hours.

Click here to Join

If your doing paid to click, the process is easy. Sign up and log in everyday and click until you reach cash out. Happy Clicking!!

Megalido Update 11-17-2008

Posted by MarunePrince | 3:32 AM | | 0 comments »

I guess all members should have read this update yesterday. But I was busy and I just sorted out my email. So Michael's Alertpay Account is frozen huh? Serves him right! People no longer trust this site. Expired upgrades are automatically re-invested in the new plan and investors are unhappy can you blame us? Cheers for that person who first made the Alertpay dispute! I just sent mine a couple of minutes ago. And Since Michael's funds are frozen then there is a High chance for us to get back our money.

Is anyone also wondering why the upgrades are being automatically reinvested to the new plan? I don't know either. But I read in talkgold that he is making us surf longer so he won't have a problem with advertisers and then after that VIOLA he's gone!

Now, I wonder who would be the DIE HARD supporter to help Michael fund HIS NEW ALERTPAY account?

Megalido Problem!!!

Posted by MarunePrince | 4:33 AM | | 1 comments »

All members of Megalido received the newsletter saying that the plan of 12% daily for 12 days will be now 4% daily for 36 days and still will receive 144% of earnings. And when my upgrade expired today, I immediately cash out and see this!!
So I can only withdraw $1.oo from my $17.28 account balance. I did not proceed with cashing out that one dollar. I am afraid that after I receive it everything will be gone and it would say I am paid. I am disappointed right now. I'll check on Alertpay with my chances of making a dispute for my money.

A comment about the implementation of the new plan after every expired upgrade. It seems that Michael is aware that if he waited after every cash out for the new plan to be implemented it would drive the investors away immediately after getting back their money. Nice move for yourself Mike! Keeping your word about not running away with our money is going to be tested. And we'll see if every dispute pusehes through

Frogress Autosurf

Posted by MarunePrince | 8:13 AM | | 0 comments »

I came across this autosurf program when visiting money news online to check on fresh review articles and updated ratings. It also uses the 12x12 formula.
12% daily for 12 days. It supports Alertpay, Solidtrustpay, Liberty Reserve and Strictpay.

"There are two kinds of frogs in the Frogress kingdom"
Non-Upgraded members get:
Advertise only one site, surf for credits only, cannot earn commissions, 1:0.8 ration, and max 30 pages surf.

Upgraded members get:
12% daily ROI, 200 credits per upgrade, $6.00 per upgrade, get 6% commissions, and advertise two websites.

The admin seems to have a liking with "frogs" which may explain why the site is named FROGress and refers to the two type of membership as "frogs".

A month before the big holiday. And I'm greatly weary of investing. Join and invest at your own risk and in case you invest use AlertPay in case it becomes a scam you can make a dispute. So I'll be looking at this program's rating in money news online as well as with forum feedbacks in Talkgold and MoneymakerGroup.

Gigalido Autosurf

Posted by MarunePrince | 6:56 AM | | 0 comments »

When I saw this site it reminds me of Megalido.
They use the 12x12 formula (like Megalido) which is 12% daily for 12 days.
They minimum investment package is $5.00 and they support four payment processors. Which are Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, Solid Trust Pay and Strict Pay.

Here's a Whois checkup on the site. Looking at the expiration (04-Nov-2010) of the domain. I can say that the admin plans to stay.

Sadly, Alertpay is not yet supported. But hopefully the Admin would add it. Many members and small investors find security with Alertpay. So I mentioned it reminded me of Megalido (Which as of now is what? Going down the drain). Gigalido appears to have the potential to surpass the success of Megalido and on the optimistic view, would last longer.

I'll be watching this program, reviews and forum feedbacks. And will probably one of the happy investors soon!

I would like to share my 3rd payment proof from Global Earn Talk. Which just recently announced that they are paying through liberty reserve. I had 150 GET points and after 12 hours they paid me right into my liberty reserve account. Ofcourse minus the 10% fee deduction when cashing out. So I received one dollar and thirty five cents.

So if your looking for a paid to post forum that pays thru liberty reserve join GET.
(Sadly, they dont offer referral incentives)

GET now pays thru LR

Posted by MarunePrince | 7:09 AM | | 0 comments »

Idocs Guide to HTML

Before, Global Earn talk's payment processor is Altergold. But since Altergold is closed. They search for a new one. And it took them over a week to decide what to use. A few discussions about it lead to the following choices: Paypal, Alertpay and Liberty Reserve. I posted my favor to liberty reserve because it is widely accepted in many autosurf and hyip. So today when I was sorting out my email, I receive the announcement about Liberty reserve being the new payment processor! And that's great!

They have the same cash out amount of $0.50 cents. Only an additional charge of 10%. So if you cash out at $0.50 you will receive $0.45 in your LR account.

If you like to share your opinions regarding your experiences or update the community about the latest news and likes to post. I encourage you to join Global Earn Talk!

To register: Click Here

Megalido Admin Impostor!!!

Posted by MarunePrince | 2:47 AM | 0 comments »


The legitimate email:

Impostors or posing to be:

I recently received 2 fraudelent mails in my email account which is from what is saying to be "Mega Lido Admin". It is introducing a site called I did not check out the site because it was being promoted by what I believe to be an impostor using Megalido's admin mail name. I want to warn fellow investors in Megalido about this email if you receive it. Don't be mislead in understanding it as the actual Megalido Admin as the email is very different.

Here's the usual newsletter I receive email:

And Here's the other two emails:

With much success of Megalido to be the number one trusted and paying autosurf program. I am not surprised that other people (scammers) are taking advantage of it's name (to scam others). (I'm calling the promoted program scam because they are promoted by impostors, what would you guys think?)

Problematic Site Updates

Posted by MarunePrince | 6:14 AM | | 1 comments »

So now, I added a lot of sites in my scam or closed sites category.
1. ClixMx - I posted about this site a few days ago. It's quite a disappointment for us to see this site close. I hope investors get back their investments as promised by the admin.

2. Paid to Click - the site is down and for a few days now you can not find the site. Before that, porn ads flooded the site and later claimed by the admin the it was hack. At that point I saw it coming that they will close down.

3. Crewbux - crewbux is now dead. They went offline and came back with a new look. But members we're already not trusting the site. They posted a note on the site not to make a dispute for the investments.

4. Idealbux - I waited for 30 days to get my cash out and I was supposed to be paid this first week of November until they made that update of only paying premium members. Now I don't trust the site and it will show its scam intentions soon.

5. Simplybux - Updated their TOS with regards to paying members from Asia. Now you have to upgrade before being paid. Which sucks!

6. Netcashback - Still offline and it has been over 3 weeks. Now it will go to my scam section.

7. Isabelmarco - They are still paying premium members but my referrals seemed to have gone away and stopped clicking. Which makes it a hard thing for me to recover my investment on buying their referrals.

8. Champbux - Shows financial problems after changing their tos with regards to their pay out amount which was increased from $1 to $5.

9. Clickin Me - Now the site is gone. And It seems people are doing well forgetting about the site.

10. Buxnolimit - is also gone. You will see a word saying "soon" and that means? GONE! another scam.

My first payment from Megalido

Posted by MarunePrince | 11:23 AM | | 0 comments »

Megalido is the hottest PAYING autosurf program and that is a FACT. It supports 4 payment processors, AP, LR, SP, STP. You simply invest and their minimum is set at $6.00 surf daily you will earn 12% daily for 12 days. Earn 44% from your investment.

I did a test investment and now I got my payment after 2 hours upon my request. Here's my payment proof.

If your investing in ptc you won't see and receive profits after a month while in Megalido surf for 12 days and you earned something. Join me and let's earn!

Click to register now!

Simplybux Update

Posted by MarunePrince | 11:42 PM | | 1 comments »

I'm dissapointed in this site. I am nearing cash out and when I opened my email today I receive an update from them.

"Dear Users,

We wouldn't like to make a difference between Asian honest members and members from other country, and due to a huge of e-mails / day from members from Asia, the team decided, that we pay only upgraded users from November 3, 2008...

Now we install new premium script, you can buy 1 month ($5), 3 month ($13), 6 month ($24), and 1 year ($35) premium membership.

We hope you are understand our decision and be a honest member of our site.

*** This message automatically send to 5900 users! ***



I'm from Asia and requiring to upgrade to request payment is not in my favor. It is simply showing that they are running out of money. Most people that joins these programs are from Asia as the US dollar has high value in most Asian countries. They should have done this from the day they started their site.

ClixMx Closed

Posted by MarunePrince | 9:44 AM | | 0 comments »

Another reason that makes the clicking industry a big disappointment. Trusted and paying sites close down.

An announcement is seen in the website of ClixMx. They are closing down because the administrator is spending more money than he is making out of his ptc site. They made more investments on the site security and sadly their strategy to get back profits flowing in was a failure. Now they are going to close the site and will return all money invested by investors. The latter part is still not implemented until by monday.

Another site closed before Christmas Holiday. I highly believe more are going to be enlisted soon.